import random
print("야구게임을 시작합니다 !!!\n--------------------------")
i = random.randint(1,9)
j = random.randint(1,9)
k = random.randint(1,9)
result = [str(i),str(j),str(k)] # 야구게임 정답
print('답: ',result) # 확인용 지울거얌
answer = []
strike_count = 0
ball_count = 0
try_count = 0
strike_count = 0
ball_count = 0 # 여기 고치면될듯
answer = str(input("숫자 3자리를 입력하세요\n"))
try_count =try_count + 1
for i in range(0, 3):
for j in range(0,3):
if(result[i] == answer[j] and i == j ):
strike_count +=1
elif(result[i] == answer[j] and i != j):
ball_count +=1
print(try_count,'번 ',strike_count,'strike',ball_count,'ball\n')
print(try_count,"번에 성공")
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